Friday, December 10, 2010

Updated Information

Alright, so my experiment has been going on for about a year, and has 100 articles produced via Ezine Articles in order to come up with whatever formula I'm looking for.

So, my typical website has an age of just over 4 months (quite a few were pushed out in the last couple of months). With an average view per month of 19 per month. Of this, roughly 1 click is a result. This is statistically very close to what I had observed when I originally started this experiment.

Just counting the traffic from article views, you can expect close to 1 hit a day, if you have 30 or so articles. 10 for 300 articles, and so forth.

The test site had no other marketing support, and at around 50-100 articles, had already hit the 10-20 hits a day. Certainly, surpassing what I had expected. How did this happen?

Organic growth. People would take my articles, and reprint them on their websites, I would still get a backlink, and traffic resulted.

So, overall? Article Marketing is definitely a winner. I recommend it as the key primary strategy for anyone in a free SEO campaign. Followed closely by blog exchanges and directories.

However, after that, not too many options exist.

Want some good traffic and link exchange? Visit this site below, a Traffic and Link Exchange site, designed for blogs only:

Click Here

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Article Marketing

Okay, I've concluded a little experiment on Article Marketing, consisting of 12 articles marketed over the last few months. And my findings are good, though a few things could changeit.

Firstly, you must realize my bit of research uses lots of subjective values. This is just how it is.

I found that the average article recieved 1.5 click-throughs; via a click trough rate of 2.9%. Thus the average article recieves about 51 hits per month. This rate seems to sustain itself so far, but varies dependng upon article interest level and content.

I came up with bit of a formula to represent content quality and hits, and how they related.

Quality x .5 = Hits

A very rough formula. The quality is a factor of 1 to 10; though as you can see; this is a very restrictive formula.

However, we can assume that the lower quality articles will be produced in far superior quantity. More than likely, you wont even realize the quality of an aricle until you've published it, so we can assume all are 2.5 Hits Per Month.

If you post one article a day for a month; assuming its of average quality, you will be producing 65 hits per month to your target website.

To generate 1000 hits per day to that website, you need an astounding 12,000 articles. Thats 400 per day if you plan to do it in a month; and 33 per day if you plan to do it in a year!

I suppose you had best get writing!

Friday, January 22, 2010

January Experiment Update

After 20 days of careful observation, I've finally got a fairly decent handle. Now the following statistics are analysis of my individual experiment, and may not apply to you. In fact alot of factors could change how things go for you.

Firstly, I've increased the amount of immediete new visitors to a blog based upon a new post from 2.5 to 5. In truth, though, it depends upon how popular your blog is. In truth, I have no statistics or reservations as to what this might be.

Okay. So far my original statement is that a link generates .045 readers per day, with a modifier of .001 for every other link that is also out there on the web. The last experiment has given me some reason to think that this synergy does exist, and it can be classified as a result of google page-rank formula, as well as reader inundation.

I suspended the experiment at 50 backlinks, for a bit better control of the situation, and it worked out well. The average yield per backlink, per day, was .078, which is only .017 out of the predicted yield. This discrepency can be hacked up to poor writing, or any number of things.

Thugh, the actual values? A new post still generates .045 + (.00066*N), where N is the total number of backlinks that you've so far generated. Of course, these figures could be skewed depending upon how relevant your backlinks are, or the content charachter.

While I have no way to measure my content, it was too easy to measure my word count. My average comment was 21 words long, and we can assume that this was the point of maximum effect per word before depreciation per word began.

The depreciation formula was the amount of words minus 21 (as depreciation started at 21), times by the result of 1/21 (assuming that it is the scientific median, this made sense to me). So you might be saying, well doesnt that make a one word comment a fantastic marketing tool? That depreciation modifier (or inversely appreciation modifier), conflicts with the number of words used, so therefore no. The maximum affect per word is achieved at 21, but this is by no means the maximum affect per comment.

Currently, Im working with the data in Excel. Tommorrow I may have something new to post.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Another great means to advertise, we've all heard about Craigslist, and its ability to generate massive amounts of traffic relatively shortly.

Well, now...


A must for Internet Marketers. Sign up for it today. Posting is free, except in the Adult Section. And you can add options like automatic renewel, or sponsorship to your ads to make them stand out. Heck, even an option to print the your ad in the classifieds of Creative Loafing!!!

Atlanta, Ga Free Classifieds

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Almost a Month

Wow, its been quite a few days since I've posted here. Mostly this is so that I can collect data about my current experiment. It is currently exactly 50% complete. However, if you want to keep track of what I'm doing, check my main blogs:

Liberal Soldier

Crimson Star Entertainment

I will update this blog as the experiment avails itself, hopefully, it will make for some good reading.

However, I have decided upon my next experiment. Currently, my company is putting together a small documentary, and we plan to use it to bring traffic to the website. Some Im going to compare the cost of making the movie with the amount of traffic it produces.

Hopefully, it produces quite a bit.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Cost of Living Value Theory

The experiment continues, about 45% complete so ar. So Im having to go a little off track, for content for this specific site. Today, I would like to discuss the concept, one that I developed. Im an amatuer economist, so this has no basis in anything I've read so far, but I wouldn't be surprised if this theory is out there already.

I think, all value, and by extension, all price, is a result of the value or price that is placed on food. I believe that there is a very strong correlation between the price of food and the price of anything on the market. At the very minimum, it determines the cost of production, and for the vast majority of Americans, it also helps to determine the amount that is saved and what is considered disposable income. So, in truth, the cost of living determines both the minimum price to break even, and 99% of the time, the maximum price for an object. Even for large purchases, which would be expected to be financed, the maximum price is also dependent upon what a person can afford to pay.

Okay, so where does this stem from? Food is the key ingredient in all products in society, as it is the fuel for labor, which is the universal ingredient in all economic activity. Whether you work from home, at the office, or at a construction site, you must eat. And in the very begginning of society, our ability to support a complex economy is dependent on the fact that on a day-by-day basis a person can produce more food than they need to survive, otherwise, our economy wouldn't even be existant.

Its a pretty simple concept, and in my opinion, hard to defeat. But as is my nature, I even got in a fight over it. And when trying to point out, and explain my view to the person I brought inflation into the mix.

And he made the classic point that I was confusing inflation with purchasing power, and at the same time I would be confusing price with value. However, upon further examination, the concepts are tied to each other. He made the point that all inflation really does, is reduce purchasing power.

While this is certainly true at the beginning of the cycle, assumably labor prices will inflate as well. Not to mention, value can be used as a means of exchange. So whether I get a loan, get a raise, or become more productive, Im going to try to balance out the exchange, even if there is technically not enough money.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Marketing Experiment Update December

Hey people! Im still doing my best to conduct this experiment, but saying that I will build 100 effective backlinks is much easier said than done! But, Im about 25% complete so far, a couple of weeks, and I should be done.

For those of you not familiar with my experiment, my goal is to measure and provide statistics for some internet marketing strategies. Specifically, my first experiment is to determine how much traffic an individual backlink provides to a website. This will help internet companies and existing companies qualify and validate the hiring of specific internet marketers, which will be a great secondary source of income for many Americans, in a time which we need them the most.

What other marketing strategies do I investigate? Believe it or not, I'm actually reversing a decision of mine in October 2009. I had come to the conclusion that Traffic Swarm, as a system for generating hits, was almost useless. However, after dealing with the program for two months, I've reconsidered and changed my stance.

Traffic Swarm, despite the incentive to click, actually does deliver some moderately good traffic. While yes, the clicker gets compensation for clicking, he actually has an unlimited number of options to click. So ther is some element of targetted traffic to this, as the surfer can still choose to bypass a site he doesnt want to read.

The vast majority of those websites that advertise through Traffic Swarm are business opportunities, so believe it or not, I've found my blogs and my company website does very well. When a surfer has clicked through 15 sites, each of them offering a get rich quick scheme, coming upon a blog talking about Ghost Stories, it seems they are more likely to stop and read, comment, and participate.

If your interested, click below. Its a basic traffic exchange, you click to earn hits, however the traffic exchange is cleaner than most. Its very automated, and easy to use. I find it preferable to alot.

Click Here for Traffic Swarm