Saturday, October 31, 2009

Studying Currency

This is my new Science Blog. When I was writing up my first blog, I remember having very specific quesions, and finding very few answers. Thus, I decided to take it upon myself to research and answer these questions.

Within this blog, you will find updates on current 'experiments' that I am running. Each of these experiments will be conducted with little or no connection to this blog, and may even be conducted anonymously via thumblogger. This is in order so that I might gain unbiased data on the experiment. As the experiment developes, I will keep you, my audience, abridged of my findings, so that you can incorporate these into your own website design and marketing principles.

With that said, I want you to know, that I will try to post, roughly, once every week for this blog. Butonce again, that is a very loose commitment, and will be dependent upon the developements of my experiments. When I have no new data to present to you, I will instead, delight you with a review, from an artistic standpoint, of some world currency. Being a member of the military, I have currency from all around the world, and hope to expand my collection soon.

Also, please note, that I will do my best to incorporate controls into my experiments. But these are only recreational experiments, and are meant to entertain you. If you use them as statistical fact or use them to modify your own statistics, is entirely up to you.

For my first experiment, I shall be conducting a one-month study as to the benefit of a well-placed backlink. The site being experimented with will be run for one week with no web-promotion, and an average gain per day recorded. For the second week, it will run with a single back-link, then giving an average of traffic increase per day. In the third and fourth week, a respective third and fourth backlink will be added, to observe for noticable geometric trends. Im hoping that this experiment will furter help us understand the nature of internet marketing. Afterwords, I will conduct marketing as usual for the website.

Anyhow, thanks for reading, and welcome to the Science of Money

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