Monday, November 2, 2009

Experiment Update Nov 2nd

Okay, the first thing yo have to realize, if you haven't caught up via my previous post, is that Im crrently measuring the capability of a website with no marketing support. In truth, this blog has very little marketing support, and will be dependent upon viral marketing and content for some time. However despite this, I have a few backlinks and articles to support this blog.

However, the experiment itself, has no marketing support. And no, I can't tell you what blog that is, as it will delude its experimental validity, and its already hard enough to maintain controls on the internet.

Well, just an update. I posted a new update on the blog, of very creative, good content. The content is based on something that you can find here in my home city. It did quite well drawing in a few new uniques, I imagine, from it being listed on the host's website roll of newly updated blogs. Thats how I imagine these new uniques came about. The site is submitted to the major search engines, but it's back links are so low, that it is doubtful that it even shows within the first 1000 listings.

What I was impressed with, whas that my click-through ratio is incredibly high. Upwards of 20%. However, I attribute this to a seasonal bit, as the blog does deal with something that is viable for Halloween. I imagine other blogs with similiar content probably have their CTR go up during the Halloween season.

Given its lack of notoriety; only 5 unique visitors for a post, so far. I expect maybe three or four more visitors.

So, please stay tuned. I've got more to update about this experiment, and future experiments in the future.

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